I am aware that this is on Christian's blog as well... But I never directly gave permission, so...
He'll just have to pay for it later...
I'm still alive, just so you know-- I've been fighting for use of the one bathroom in this house for the past couple days, is my excuse. Let me just refresh your memory -- There's six people originally living in Christian's household, along with three cats and two dogs. Only one bathroom. Now there's four more added on to that. Only one bathroom. Jeremy's family is visiting because he got the lead in a play. And his beautiful sister, Amy spends more time in the one bathroom than I ever did in my whole life. If you know me well, then you'll most definitely know that I spent a lot of time in bathrooms. Just pruning, or whatever you want to call it. Putting on makeup and shit.
Now, though... I'm holding myself. Not because I have to pee or take a shower, but because it's damn cold in this here basement. Christian's family is moving, you know? So there apparently won't be a basement... Well, not one with floors in it, anyhow. So we're reportedly going to have to make the new "florida room" our own with sheets on windows and drapes in doorways.
I don't mind, because George and Rachel seem to have it naturally in their personalities to make shy people feel at home.
Somebody at work called me a sand dollar : something you have to dig to get to.
I don't think you have to dig to get a sand dollar, but the intent on the comment was sweet as hell.
Also hell is going to be the next couple of weeks, but I'll get to that later. For now, though, enjoy my painting. I spent a month on it, and so now it's going to sit on my blog for a month. So fucking enjoy!
I've finally found my wording... I've just been so shell-shocked for the past week! And who wouldn't be?
Death is the kind of thing that pulls your turtle-neck down so that it reveals veins. Makes you deal with the pain that you so easily avoid. I know I knew that someone I was close to would someday pass away. I just didn't expect it to be at this point in my life.
My aunt, I was very close to her. We were more like good friends that occasionally have great, mountain-crumbling conversations, than Aunt-Niece. She was a very important person in my life -- And I love, love, love her kids.
She did a lot of extravagant things in her life -- Things to admire. Like graduating West Point Academy, studying law, making beautiful/intelligent blond children...
It was devastating for me, for everyone that knew her.
Anyway, that's basically why I haven't been writing, or have been acting weird. Or acting not at all. I've never experienced anything like this, and it's truly heart-wrenching. I don't mean to make you cry, you've probably stopped reading. But you have to know what I'm going through, if you know me at all.
On different note, my car is finally being fixed -- in the shop two days ago.
Also, ASofterWorld.com is disappointing me these days... I feel I have to jump back into my illustrations very soon. Not just to cure boredom -- I feel content with doing nothing sometimes. I just looked at my sketchbook, and most of the pages are blank. Even the pages with stuff on them, they just have pencil sketchings. And eraser burns. It's sad, really, but you'll see -- Oh, you will see.
Today, hours after I came home from work, Christian says "So I caught a snail today... Put him in a jar. To be my friend while you're away." I didn't believe him, but it's true... Christian's cute. He fed him lettuce and everything. Placed pieces of grass to make him feel at home. He's got a dog and a cat to keep him company these four long days while I'm in Florida, yet he still needs a snail to keep him company. Something weird, that doesn't make any sounds and moves slowly. Something that won't jump up and bark constantly while you're walking. Something quiet to talk to while he writes, I guess. Christian's funny.
Yes, it's taking me a week to talk to insurance companies, days to get somebody to come out and evaluate the damage, to tell me everything will be allright. That I don't have to fork over a couple hundred in cash. Waiting is hell. It will take a few more weeks to get it done, I'm sure. I'm sure the body shop will take their leisurly time on this one. Harumph!
Christian thinks the broom is a cat toy.
We all have our little habits... Jeremy's is leaving his bedroom door cracked. Leaving his personal space open for cats named Princess to take shits on. God, that's aweful. But it made me laugh this week. His description and sound effects of a cat relieving herself on his bed is just funny to me. Now, if something shit on MY bed... Now, that's something else. That's just not funny.
This snail makes me laugh... He tells jokes, apparently.
So let me just start this off by saying that I've recieved a card of sorts from a guy I've never seen before...
I seek, dear friend,
My heart's true wish to send you.
(image of mother/daughter with fruit on a blanket)
That you may know, that far or near
My loving thoughts attend you.
And now, the inside, the part that he wrote... Goes a little something like this...
April 5th -- My phone number is _____
Today is my birthday, and my best wish is to become your friend.
I hope you can grant me this wish by accepting to go out for a movie, for a coffee or for a dinner with me. (Make my heart happy).
My heart tells me that you are special.
My name is: _______// Can I have your phone number and give you a call?
Let me just remind you that I've never seen or met this guy before. He was really nice, it was all done with good intent... Just part of me has to laugh at how seriously gooshy it all really was. How he kind of made himself out to be a little. . . stalkerish. I have to say, I did feel the need to scout out my car before walking to it in that dark parking lot.
Nothing happened, though... But it still made my skin crawl a little.
Now then, you should know that I beat Christian at poker last night, and part of his losing was buying Sideways on DVD. My winning was dinner. Now, I don't know what kind of prize that is, or how I got duped into that. But I DO know that I'm very exstatic to see that sexy Paul Giamatti again.
It's been long enough, hasn't it? And so, I've finally got another illustration over at Ribcage.
That's about the only thing interesting I've been up to in a few weeks.
Tomorrow, though, we're going to see a sneak preview for Fever Pitch.
The last post I wrote, was uncalled for, and I apologize for ruining a good movie... Well, atleast I didn't go on national television to say it.
Today we all feel alive again... Up around noon, and ready for the Stella family portait to be taken by the local newspaper. Only, the photographer was in, took a picture of George, and was out again. And so, we moved on with our lives and trekked out to find Ship's Corner -- Some "fancy gourmet chinese food take-out" place. ConnectiKelly told us it was the best in town. And it was, just too expensive for mine and Christian's liking of Chinese food. Their dumplings were basically my idea of dumplings, just that you can actually make out what's in it. You can actually see the carrots. But they taste just like normal carrots.
So anyway, I know I've told a few people that my painting is appearing online as of two days ago, but you'll just have to wait. My mind's just returned to me, and I'm still working on the art. But fret not, I'll have it finished this week.
We've just finished watching the Academy awards, and Million Dollar Baby won. Most everything except the technical stuff. The only movie nominated that I haven't seen!
Not only that, but the ending was ruined twice yesterday...
First while watching Bill Maher, he totally ruined it by saying she dies at the end by asphyxiation. Then Trent Resnor (of NIN) fucking ruins it on his message board, after someone leaked his new songs out. He basically said "You ruin my music, I'll ruin a movie for you". I guess that's only fair.
Damn Christian and his crazy music stealing.