Saturday, June 18, 2005

I am aware that this is on Christian's blog as well... But I never directly gave permission, so...

He'll just have to pay for it later...

I'm still alive, just so you know-- I've been fighting for use of the one bathroom in this house for the past couple days, is my excuse. Let me just refresh your memory -- There's six people originally living in Christian's household, along with three cats and two dogs. Only one bathroom. Now there's four more added on to that. Only one bathroom. Jeremy's family is visiting because he got the lead in a play. And his beautiful sister, Amy spends more time in the one bathroom than I ever did in my whole life. If you know me well, then you'll most definitely know that I spent a lot of time in bathrooms. Just pruning, or whatever you want to call it. Putting on makeup and shit.

Now, though... I'm holding myself. Not because I have to pee or take a shower, but because it's damn cold in this here basement. Christian's family is moving, you know? So there apparently won't be a basement... Well, not one with floors in it, anyhow. So we're reportedly going to have to make the new "florida room" our own with sheets on windows and drapes in doorways.

I don't mind, because George and Rachel seem to have it naturally in their personalities to make shy people feel at home.

Somebody at work called me a sand dollar : something you have to dig to get to.
I don't think you have to dig to get a sand dollar, but the intent on the comment was sweet as hell.

Also hell is going to be the next couple of weeks, but I'll get to that later. For now, though, enjoy my painting. I spent a month on it, and so now it's going to sit on my blog for a month. So fucking enjoy!