Tuesday, August 31, 2004


It's just occurred to me, that it might seem a little odd, me posting pictures of myself so frequently. I might seem a little vain.

I suppose I must explain to that. Explain that atleast four of my best friends, some of the most important people in my life, don't receive any kind of a visit but maybe once a month. For that, I owe financial troubles. That's an entirely different explanation, though.

To explain the story BEHIND the photos... I was making dinner. Sedna wondered why I was blowing bubbles.

Bubbles are my new oral fixation.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger The Queen Prawn said...

Bubbles? could that also mean blowing bubbles like i was in ur car? lol ^_^...i love bubbles...they are soo magical!! but yea..i think im going to buy stock in gum...cause it is the future...i totally see it O_o


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