Once again, home early from work... Once again, bored and unable to slumber.
Did a ridiculous amount of driving on a mere four hours of sleep, and it was totally unworthy of my time... Driving, that is. Almost getting sideswiped, and hanging out on the shoulder for a while... I have a few horror stories of Gainesville-esque driving. Ugh, I say.
Work was the unworthy part... Standing around for two hours, "working", and setting tables, only to find it slow and boring. Only to be sent home at 6:30. I tell you, this job is so uninteresting -- Restaurants are boring and tedious. I have a good argument for those that say "Oh, but it's such good money"...I say, is money worth completely exhausting yourself for? I should think not. I should say I could give two shits about money in general. I'd throw it away if I didn't absolutely NEED it.
On another note... You'll notice I haven't updated. There's a reason for this, the main being that the most important thing on my mind is both uninteresting to most outsiders, and almost impossible for me to express. All I will clue to, though, is that this past week was an amazement in itself, and that I am happy. That is all I will say for now.
I also wanted to mention that The Village was beautiful ... And Ambulance LTD is one of my new favorite albums. I notice I don't mention music and movies in my blog as much as I talk about those things in person... I should start keeping track of newly discovered matter. Oh, and books too... Though I won't say I need to start reading... I'll just go ahead and do it.
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