Monday, November 08, 2004

...And so now I'm an Ameriplan Broker. Officially.

What does one do after becoming official.... To actually begin the whole thing? It's like registering to vote... Before you've voted. Sort of waiting.

Sort of waiting for a lot of things. There's a lot to be done, and I don't even know where to begin. I don't even know what to do with myself. It's like knowing I want to paint... But having not a clue as to WHAT I should paint. You get a sudden urge... Sit down, pick up the brush and -- Wait. What do I do with this urge? Well, I'll just sit here and think and do exactly what I was doing before the urge -- Nothing.

Also -- Carrying martinis is tough business. It just doesn't stay in the glass.

Wednesday is Business day. Bank, braces, errands, "work", read, project. So I'll be busy on Wednesday. My first real "busy" day in a while. Also floss. First time I'll have flossed in a while. Also "give the cat a bath and get plastered because you're going to get scratched... a lot" day as well. Also bathe myself. Haven't done that.

As for now... Sleep. I can't remember when that last felt good.

It exists.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger *Natasha* said...

I've said this before...

I love you Elise~! Christian - get ready for a fight!

thanks for reminding me love does exist...

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

=) Yes...Sometimes...unfortunately...It does exist. Other ain't so bad.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous...Was Kelly

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe...Yes martini carrying is quite an art form. I hated serving them.


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Lynora Good said...

hey, elise. no no i didn't die i'm still alive and kickin' it! I'm very sad you are leaving the blood red south, united states of jesus, for beautiful though expensive Conneticut. But, well, have fun enough for me and invite me to NYC for a weekend. I can't ice skate becuase i blew out my knee, but I can sit on my butt and drink wine and eat food and watch movies and ride the train! WHEE! NYC is a good town because i don't have to drive. I hate driving. And remember, Elisey Poo, don't drink and drive! It's a sure way to kill yourself or someone else.

How did i know you're going to Conneticut? I read your man's blog, of course. good pics of you, i must say. You're so pretty. i love you. give your mom a big kiss. coolest mom, ever. period.

i'll miss you. or at least i'll miss knowing you're close enough to drive to me within a day. boo hoo. boo hoo. sob. i'm crying, can you tell?

Call me.

love you lots!


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