Thursday, December 30, 2004

Christmas kind of dumped us into this weird sleeping schedule... Flopping into bed around the wee hours of the morning -- Sun is the enemy. And opening our eyes sometime around dusk -- There isn't much of a day around here.

There's something about the north, though -- It gets dark by 4:30 sharp.

So C and I came up with a plan. We'd keep our peepers open until nighttime today. That would dump us back on track, right? The only thing I didn't expect was a sudden burst of energy 24 hours later.

Harvest Moon is a sin. I'm now addicted to this among other things.

Aaaaand... A new revealation is that Christian can fart on command! Spectacular!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Christmas was wonderful and terrific... However, too much to say about it, I've just woken up, and also can't remember any details. So it was Christmas with all of Christian's relatives, and it was great and memorable. Though, not so memorable on snow-filled afternoons, having just been woken up.

Jeremy just came home last night from visiting Florida.... I have to say, right now I'm feeling my own version of guilt for not making it back in January. Another month doing just what I have been doing... But I have to say, I just woke up, and have just jumped myself out of a nostalgic dream of sorts about my home. (Well, I think it was my home... it might have been nicer) And so, today is my first day I've actually felt homesick. Sigh.

Maybe coffee will be a quick fixer.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Everything is welll. Christian is doing jumping jacks in his underwear currently...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I think I slept for 18 hours today...

I also think I won't be eating sushi for a while. Which is sad for me. I love sushi!

I just hate getting sick from my favorite foods.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Christian lied in his last post. He can't tell the future, and we certainly did not make it to see Life Aquatic... Yet.

Yeah, I know we're horrible. I know we've been lazy... But hot damn! We'll go tomorrow and see Life Aquatic! ... And then wait a few more days to do anything else of importance. Shit, it's too comfortable in this basement.

Atleast we're both working on Christmas.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Snow Flurries Are Inevitable

Today it snowed. Only about an inch or so, but it still snowed.

And so, today I saw my first quarter inch of snow. I also drove in it. Drove to see the movie Closer. It was brilliant and I enjoyed it, and it summed up relationships in a very real perspective. I made some comment earlier that the acting is what I've been waiting for [in a movie] for atleast the past year. This is true.

Now, Christian is talking on the phone with Ryan, about things being inevitable... And he made some comment about my hair being so. This is also true, and also worth me talking about. Not really. But I did die my hair. Now I officially look like Christian's sister. Dark hair and all. Talk about spontaneous. Red high-lights, I suppose, are the only thing left to follow.

Now's seeming to be a good time to talk about the future...Tomorrow, hopefully, is work-hunting day. A day dedicated to accumulating a job. Yes, I'm puking because I'm ecstatic.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

It took us four days to get here. A day to say goodbye, a day to drive and stay in Gainesville, and a day to actually drive to Connecticut.

The trees got thinner, more dead-looking. And other drivers got more offensive and ass-riding. Iced tea also disappeared. That's a Southern thing I'm going to miss dearly.

The North is definitely something different once you live in it... Basements and stairs are easy to get used to. The cold is something you get used to...

Sparks are annoying to get used to. You may know this... You may not. Static electricity definitely exists more here, than Florida. Every time I get out of the car... Every time I kiss Christian... Our lips spark. It's the same static electricity that makes your hair stand on end in the morning.

It's been a few days since we arrived, and we've tried to make the basement as comfortable as possible. Everything but the cat shit is great. The cat shit, let me say--- is abomindable. Sedna's an idiot when it comes to covering her own feces-- She just scrapes the side of the box with her paw for about 15 minutes until the stink gets to her. She also loves hard floors-- loves to slide across the room.

Now, for the next few weeks... It'll be Christmas time. I'll be spending most of this pre-X-Mas making gifts. "Ugh" and "Wee".