Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I think I slept for 18 hours today...

I also think I won't be eating sushi for a while. Which is sad for me. I love sushi!

I just hate getting sick from my favorite foods.


At 8:26 AM, Blogger *Natasha* said...

you set me up with all that sushishpeel THEN you don't tell me what happen'd..... your okay, right????

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Tim said...

I'm absolutely fine! Besides a minor case of the doozies in my head (a little groggy) I'm good now. Just a little case of food poinsoning.

But I'll still be going to that party tonight with C-man.

How are YOU feeling these days?

At 5:39 AM, Blogger *Natasha* said...

at the moment - a little tired - a little wired... *eh* insane as always~!


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