Tuesday, August 31, 2004


It's just occurred to me, that it might seem a little odd, me posting pictures of myself so frequently. I might seem a little vain.

I suppose I must explain to that. Explain that atleast four of my best friends, some of the most important people in my life, don't receive any kind of a visit but maybe once a month. For that, I owe financial troubles. That's an entirely different explanation, though.

To explain the story BEHIND the photos... I was making dinner. Sedna wondered why I was blowing bubbles.

Bubbles are my new oral fixation.

Monday, August 30, 2004

It fascinates me... This job.
Seeing a kid with Downs syndrome, a set number of years on her life, and her mother's completely worried with how her meat should be cooked.

Her daughter could care less what she puts in her mouth, as long as it fills the crevice of hunger.
The difference, is amazing. Yet, you'd think the mother would be careless about the little idiosyncrasies. This is just how I viewed the situation.

All I know is, I'm very aware of my actions, how they make people feel.
I'm aware because of people like that.

I've recently made a list of things I wanted to do, or things I needed to buy, before this upcoming New York trip. I made a list, and then I threw it away yesterday, because I didn't think I'd manage the money.
Chris called two days ago, explaining that I needed to fork over four hundred of my savings for the apartment's rent. We'd go to court if I didn't. I definitely don't want a court date, or anything on my record.
I've done nothing negative in this situation.
Chris called again today... It was like a big joke to me.
The whole ordeal was ridiculous, and it didn't even exist!

He read the damn paperwork wrong.

I want to say he's an idiot. That would be too harsh.
Though, I'll just break down and call him a "Scuttlebutt" for spreading stupid rumors and forcing me near hysterics.

Stupid scuttlebutt.

Another note... I've quit smoking. Two days now. Cold Turkey. You can hold that against me, if you see me light up.

You won't see me light up.

Neither will hidden cameras.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Picking up tampons from the shelf at Walgreens is almost a normality for me. Hearing my name called while picking up tampons is a whole new ring to my ears. I glanced over to see who it was--

Marie. Her name didn't come to me right then.
But her face sure did. I knew I recognized her...But from where?

She came up and buzzed her lifelong story in my ears. How her son went to jail. How she did everything she could to get new fences in our neighborhood put up.

THAT'S it. She was part of the homeowner's association. My dad was a part of that, atleast a secretary of sorts... And it was all just a pain in the ass, a way to get around paying these people to put up fences and make upkeeps in the neighborhood, things that taxpayers shouldn't be paying for. This point of the conversation brought her name to me. Because I was afraid to ask. But then I was afraid to keep talking. I tried to walk away, but she buzzed me again, this time, with questions.

How is your arm?


Your arm... Is it better?

I thought... What in the world is she talking about? But I thought back real quick, and remembered-- Oh yeah. Her son knocked me in the arm with an egg one halloween.

That was almost seven years ago.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Uh-Oh Apparently, the first American to win gold in the Olympic Gymnastics competition had a flaw... I don't know what's going to spawn from this, but it's bullshit.

His last performance was incredible... Boosted from 12th place in Finals all the way to Gold. ...Of course there was a catch!

Also incredible, was Garden State.
Natasha was right on the nose when she said "I can't believe a GUY wrote that script".

It included...

Physical disabilities
Hopeless Romantics

...Who could not relate to such a beautiful thing?

I thought maybe it was a good thing, being called in late today. But no, it's storming now... I'm going to have to drive through severe crap to get to work today. Yippee.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bright Eyes Conor
you're the conor that is bright eyes. you keep
pulling out brillant beautiful songs from your
head and they just get better. you rock the
house down on stage and are a sweet shy kid off
of it. you're the best conor to date.

which conor oberst are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Did a google search and found that Bright Eyes' lead singer really is just a darker, more mysterious-looking Christian Stella!

Saturday, August 14, 2004



That last one there... Is the Purple Flower Tree that's been here, top-heavy for going on eight years, maybe longer. That bouqet of flowers, though, is the last you'll ever see.

Also, Jurassic Park is dead... That is, the bush of elephant ears, that Kelly has dubbed.

Our power finally came back on, as you can see... And it has been a long night, and a long day. As you can also see, there was indeed, a hurricane. I drove by a few houses with some minor destruction today, and saw a lot of fallen trees.

My house didn't recieve much damage... Though, a few people at work lost their mobil-homes.

I can't say any of this was much fun, or even exciting. ...My dad will have to dissagree with you there. He's that crazy guy in the neighborhood with the garage door open throughout the entirety of the storm, screaming "That's all you got?!"

Friday, August 13, 2004

It's kind of ironic... How this whole storm thing is scheduled like an episode of Six Feet Under...

Hurrican Charley... 5 o'clock PM... Be home for it.

Sorry, Charley... I'll be doing my laundry. Too occupied to even notice you, hopefully.


Ellen Degeneres made a comment once, about pickles being packed tighter than sardines... She said "They were packed in there like pickles... It'll catch on". We rearanged the garage to fit my car in.

...Big screen TV, Camry, Computer desk, shelves, Scion. It looks ridiculously crammed.
...And I walked into the garage and exclaimed "It's like a pickle jar in here!"

Thursday, August 12, 2004

A loaf of bread knows more about computer rehab than I do...

Yet my dad refuses to even look at any new computer problems. I say "It won't turn on". His reply? "Nah... There's nothing wrong with it. That's normal".

I am forced to peek and poke... I'm attempting at defragmenting the goddamn thing... Though I need a nap first. For some reason, I am exhausted, maybe because I didn't sleep at all... And was up at nine thiry...AM.

My last post disappeared... I left the computer on and the update page "expired"... After updating. Who knows what's going on with this thing...

The haircut was a last-minute deal. I didn't think it would happen today. She took two inches off and gave me bangs. That's what kind of mood I was in today...

So on top of the bangs, I did nothing else of interest today. Except cuddle with that Ball of Cat. (Dubbed by Christian).

I must get personal here for a moment... I hate the feeling you must talk to someone 24 hours a day to make up for lost time in between... It's hard. Yet worth it.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Just wasted a whole bowl of Bunches of Oats with bananas, because it got soggy really quickly. Want to see something funny?

Watch me eat my cereal and race the nature of soggyness.

Okay now... It's been a ridiculous three days pent up over naming this cat. And I just wanted to say that I would never even think of naming the cat "Bosch". That's horrible... since I remember clear as day, that dog, and I still cry over him. Well, in my heart I do. He was the coolest Boston Terrier. Ever.

So Sedna it will be.

Unless my mom slaps me across the face and exclaims "No, not that! Let's name it Toodles".

Anyway... Yesterday was full of nothing, yet I somehow managed to be on the recieving end of flirtatiousness... From the waiter at Ruby's. Funny thing is, I went to high school with him, and I'm almost positive he didn't recognize me. Just shows you what kind of people I went to high school with... And who they care the most about. Hahaha, and he dated my friend... He should've known me.

I like this, I like tricking people with my hair and skinnier face.

So today... Today, bank. And my hair. It's been run through a cheese grater one too many times, so I need a cut. And then Lindsey. I must visit Lindsey.

Monday, August 09, 2004


Sunday, August 08, 2004

I've found myself a new best friend...

He has no name, a fluffy tail, and gold eyes... He's beautiful and reminds me of Adam Bolduc's cat, Teddy... Though he's a different color.

I was coming out of work last night when I saw him... skinny and friendly, and practically jumped in my car.
He's really loveable and cuddled in my lap the entire way home last night.
He uses the litter box... He's perfect.

I'll post pictures within the next few days... When I come up with a name.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Inches of Spider Creepy-Crawliness

I am stunned...

We keep a computer in the garage (one of the many quirks in my life), and my father let it run wild in here...

I believe it's the filthiest place known to mankind, and I'm still sitting in it... That's the sick part.

Earlier, I wanted to go online since the other computer isn't up and running... So I lurked behind my father typing away...Well, I noticed a cluster of black dots on the screen. Moving black dots. He said they were knats and swatted them off... I watched quietly as they swarmed up his arm, unnoticed as he went in on the History of Saint Augustine...

Just now... a web of baby brown spiders secretely made a web around me and attacked me... I moved, and then I was covered in them... EHhhh. Blagh.

A sound made while retching or vomitting.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Once again, home early from work... Once again, bored and unable to slumber.

Did a ridiculous amount of driving on a mere four hours of sleep, and it was totally unworthy of my time... Driving, that is. Almost getting sideswiped, and hanging out on the shoulder for a while... I have a few horror stories of Gainesville-esque driving. Ugh, I say.

Work was the unworthy part... Standing around for two hours, "working", and setting tables, only to find it slow and boring. Only to be sent home at 6:30. I tell you, this job is so uninteresting -- Restaurants are boring and tedious. I have a good argument for those that say "Oh, but it's such good money"...I say, is money worth completely exhausting yourself for? I should think not. I should say I could give two shits about money in general. I'd throw it away if I didn't absolutely NEED it.

On another note... You'll notice I haven't updated. There's a reason for this, the main being that the most important thing on my mind is both uninteresting to most outsiders, and almost impossible for me to express. All I will clue to, though, is that this past week was an amazement in itself, and that I am happy. That is all I will say for now.

I also wanted to mention that The Village was beautiful ... And Ambulance LTD is one of my new favorite albums. I notice I don't mention music and movies in my blog as much as I talk about those things in person... I should start keeping track of newly discovered matter. Oh, and books too... Though I won't say I need to start reading... I'll just go ahead and do it.